
The Synergy Team at Mt Zion UMC is charged with the spiritual growth and development within our Church. This group was developed to be one of four work areas that operate within our Church. Synergy adds richness to our congregation and our community through, seasonal special events and monthly fellowship lunch.
We are prayerful, caring Christians who desire to develop Disciples of Christ through fellowship activities.

Spirituality Images


Homecoming is finally here! Homecoming is a time of celebration and rekindling of old relationships. We will get to see people from the past and worship God together looking into the future. Terry Walton was a part of Mt Zion UMC in the 1960s when his .

Men's Breakfast

Join us for a Men's Breakfast on Sunday, September 18 at 9 am in the Pavilion (62 Evans Road - across from Mt. Zion UMC) We hope to make this a monthly event for our men and friends to gather for food, friendship and encouragment. Watch our fb page, web s.