We're the country church that cares
On November 10, 1906, permission was granted by the Conference to sell Mt. Zion Church and rebuild at Smarr. The present Mt. Zion Church was built in the summer of 1907. Following is a portion of the report given by the Board of Trustees to the Quarterly Conference on September 21, 1907: “ A new lot containing one acre at Smarr, Georgia, has been donated by Mrs. Mary Thrash and Mrs. Hattie Rumble to M. E. Church South . . . On this property has been erected Mt. Zion Church South. The main building is 40 by 30 by 14 ft. Outside painted French Grey with white trimmings, eight large , Stained glass windows /pulpit and altar rail /inner walls are plastered / arched ceiling overhead. Sunday school room 20 by 14 by 12 ft. / three large stained glass windows. Same finish as described above. Vestibule is 10 by 10 by 38 ft. Has bell tower and ventilation; painted and finished as described above. This building cost $2000 without pews …”
When the building was completed in 1907, the church was dedicated by Dr. James E. Dickey.
Mt. Zion Church has had a Sunday school as far back as 1880. The Woman’s Missionary Society was organized in February, 1909.
Rev. Homer Trammell, Dr. Lester Rumble, and Rev. J. C. G. Brooks received their earliest training at Mt. Zion Church prior to joining the North Georgia Conference.